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How Most Men SELF SABOTAGE Relationships with Ukrainian Women

A photo of a Ukrainian woman wearing a blue long-sleeved top. Learn what to avoid so you don’t self-sabotage your relationship with Ukrainian women.


Here you are sitting on the couch, asking yourself this one-word question, wondering why you can’t have a successful and long-lasting relationship with Ukrainian women.

Is it because of the food you ordered? Is it because of the flowers you gave them? Is it the way you dress? No? Maybe you have said or done something offensive.

Feeling completely blindsided is undoubtedly the worst. You tend to question yourself and examine each date you have had with a Ukrainian woman and still couldn’t find the perfect answer.

Well, this is pretty much normal, especially for Western men who are dating Ukrainian women for marriage. Dating beautiful and confident women who have different cultures and traditions is not that easy.

There’s always the do’s and don’ts to follow to ensure that a relationship will last.

However, men oftentimes overlook the rules as to what should and shouldn’t be done in dating, which will result in self-sabotaging the relationship they have.

To help you assess what went wrong in your relationship with a Ukrainian woman, take note of the following:

1. Being paranoid.

The most common way men self-sabotage relationships is by being paranoid and having trust issues. Well, being in a long-distance relationship with a Ukrainian lady—one of the most beautiful women in the world—it’s quite normal to have doubts and be possessive.

However, excessive paranoia will make your Ukrainian girlfriend uncomfortable and drive her away from you. Unless you want that, take the risk and trust her. You should know that one of their most attractive qualities is being faithful to their partners, so cheating should be less of your worries.

2. Being inconsistent.

Inconsistency is another common self-sabotaging behavior that most men do which ruins a relationship. It can be frustrating for women, particularly Ukrainian women, to have a partner who is sweet and affectionate for a minute, then starts ignoring them the next. It’s the same as having a man who makes plans yet cancels at the last minute.

If you are dating a woman from Ukraine, you should know better than being inconsistent. If you happen to cancel on date night, be sure to have a valid reason and make up for it the next day.

3. Being Mr. Know-It-All.

Although beautiful Ukrainian women love to date men who are intelligent, too much knowledge about everything can be a huge turn-off for them. Ukrainian girls might have the impression that you are too good for them. It might also make them doubtful about your relationship.

It’s okay to communicate your thoughts about things because this is one way to make the relationship grow and mature. However, don’t get to the point that you don’t acknowledge your partner’s opinions and beliefs.

4. Being emotionally unavailable.

This is probably the most common self-sabotaging behavior men do during the dating phase. It’s understandable that men want to appear strong to women and tend to hide their emotions, but for some reason, this will only make your partner feel unwanted. This will also give your partner the impression that you are not comfortable with opening up about your feelings.

Some women may like men who are mysterious and not too showy of their feelings, but for Ukrainian ladies, they love to be with men who are not afraid to show their vulnerable side. So if you are dating a Ukrainian woman, don’t hesitate to tell her how you feel and let her know that you trust her enough to show your vulnerable side.

5. Picking unnecessary arguments.

Another behavior men do that self-sabotages their relationship is causing pointless arguments. You should know that women in Ukraine want to be in a mature and stable relationship, so picking unnecessary arguments with your Ukrainian partner will only give her the impression that you are too immature for the relationship.

If you want to have a successful and healthy relationship with a Ukrainian woman, don’t be a crybaby. Be a man and don’t make a big deal out of a small disagreement.

6. Comparing relationships.

Just like any confident and beautiful woman, Ukrainian women don’t want to be compared to anyone. So don’t self-sabotage your relationship by comparing your lady or your relationship to your past. Doing so will only give her the idea that you haven’t moved on from your previous relationship, and this will make her lose interest in continuing what you have started.

Comparisons will only stir complications in the relationship. If you want to maintain a strong bond with your Ukrainian girl, don’t compare her with anyone else.

7. Setting high expectations.

Lastly, men self-sabotage their relationships with Ukrainian women by setting high expectations. Although these ladies are ideal life partners, they also have their flaws, as one human being should. There will be times when your Ukrainian girl may not be able to meet your standards. As a result, she will think poorly of herself.

You should know that a Ukrainian woman wants a man who can accept her for who and what she is, someone who will love her flaws and imperfections instead of pointing out what is missing in her. As such, if you want to build a relationship with your potential Ukrainian bride, don’t set high and unrealistic expectations.

There are many reasons why most men tend to self-sabotage their relationships with their partners—whether intentional or not. Some men do it because they are afraid of intimacy, they don’t think they are good enough, or they simply have a fear of rejection and abandonment. These fears are normal in most relationships, especially among long distance couples.

To avoid these things, it is important to communicate and work things out with your partner and be cautious in what you say and do. The aforementioned traits and behaviors are just some of the few ways men self-sabotage their relationships with Ukrainian women.

Now that you know what you should avoid if you want a long-term relationship with a Ukrainian woman, it’s time to start anew.

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